The Exhibition The Opening is a cooperation between Claydies and Ole Jensen, and we have chosen to work together with the concept: For use.
The focal point is the opening and all the items that you use at an opening reception, so that the opening and the entire exhibition are “for use”.
This way we have been thinking in terms of use, functionality and action. At the same time we have been working with the sculptural qualities in all the different objects.
The objects are described below…
WINE GLASS: When you drink at an opening you never put down your glass, and our wine glass is not possible to put down! It that way the glass is expressing the action at an opening and at the same time it comments on the function in an ordinary glass.
Wine glass is made in porcelain as a cast of a traditional wine glass. The wine glass shape with its thin stem is showing the qualities of the ceramic material when the object is fired.
We have placed the glass in three different ways in the kiln in order to achieve various soft shapes when the porcelain is ”melting” down.
BEER MUG: A big drinking mug, which gives associations to old historic tankards.
The mug is hand-thrown, and the decoration on the mug is a kind of label which is fired onto the surface. From a distance it looks like a traditional beer bottle label, however it describes the details of the design and material, instead of the content of the drink.
LIQUOR CUP: A solid cube of clay, hollowed out to make room for a shot.
The heaviness of the ceramic material and the pungent taste of alcohol is emphazised in the shape of the cup. The cups stack well and with the decoration it is possible to make various sculptures with geometric patterns.
STRAW: Serve your soft drink or cocktail with a porcelain straw!
A disposable device made into a lasting
ceramic object.
WATER BOWL: Shaped like the water movement when a drop hits the surface.
You hold the bowl with both hands and sip water from the edge of the bowl, mimicing drinking directly from your hands folded into a basin.
The Opening was exhibited at the gallery Copenhagen Ceramics in 2013.